M. Scott Peck, in his book, “The Road Less Travelled," began with this sentence: ‘Life is difficult.’ And, certainly no doctor has to be convinced of the challenges facing physicians and dentists in today’s rapidly changing healthcare environment. CMDA Coaching has been developed specifically for Christian doctors whose life foundations and core values are rooted in the practice of medicine and dentistry from a distinctively Christian perspective. In essence, our coaching is focused on helping individuals get from where they are to where they believe God would like them to be. We know and understand that life is difficult for anyone in the healthcare vocation, and CMDA Coaching specializes in helping doctors navigate the mountains and valleys of their busy lives, lives that can easily seem ‘out-of-balance.’


Are you so busy at work that you struggle to spend time with your family? Perhaps you are feeling the pressure at work to see more and more patients. Or maybe you haven’t made it to church in months because you have too many responsibilities and now you just found out you’re being hit with a medical malpractice case. You’re on overload, life is spinning out of control and there doesn’t seem to be any hope or end in sight. Does this sound like you? If so, one thing is for certain. You are not alone. Christian healthcare professionals across the world just like you are facing increasing pressures within a rapidly changing healthcare environment. And just like you, they are left feeling discouraged, dissatisfied, depressed and despondent. Others feel a strong sense of isolation without anywhere to turn for support or encouragement. It ends up with some changing careers, retiring early or even seeking relief in a variety of other, oftentimes unhealthy, ways. But there is an answer. And we are here to help you.


Dr. Steve Sartori


Steve Sartori, MD, ACC is a certified Life & Leadership Coach who helps physicians advance their well-being and enhance their leadership skills.

He received his BS from the University of Wisconsin and his MD from The Medical College of Wisconsin. He completed his residency at the University of Illinois-Rockford before serving with the National Health Service Corps in rural Kentucky. He founded a primary care practice, and was chief of staff at two hospitals, faculty member for a family medicine residency program, and chief medical officer for a community health center. He has served as a board member and treasurer of Christian Medical & Dental Associations (CMDA), and is the former Director of the CMDA Center for Well-Being. He is married, with two adult children, and enjoys traveling and sports. An avid fan of the Green Bay Packers, he can sometimes be seen wearing a cheesehead.

Dr. Ann Tsen


Dr. Ann Tsen is a certified Physician Life and Leadership Coach and internist. She coordinates the Life and Leadership Coaching and Coaching Training Programs for the CMDA Center for Well-being and serves on the advisory council for Women Physicians in Christ.

She has also served many years as campus advisor for the local CMDA student chapter along with her physician husband. She has practiced medicine and physician coaching in a variety of settings, including domestic and international missions. She enjoys living in the Pacific Northwest, photography and long beach walks. She is passionate about helping healthcare professionals optimize their personal and professional well-being through coaching, training and speaking. Contact Dr. Tsen at: anntsencoaching@squarespace.com and https://www.facebook.com/AnnTsenCoaching

Ken Jones


Ken Jones joined CMDA in 2003 as a member of the field staff, and has served in a number of roles during that time.

As a certified coach and coaching trainer, he has well over 8,000 hours of coaching experience with Christian doctors. He is an ordained pastor as well as a professional physician life development coach (PCC) certified by the International Coach Federation. As a published author, he has written dozens of articles for Christian magazines on a variety of topics, including life management, parenting, marriage, and mentoring. He is the author of four books, published with some of Christian publishing’s most well-known houses, including Thomas Nelson, Fleming H. Revell and Victor Books. He currently writes and produces a weekly five-minute radio segment, "Classic State of Mind" which is heard on radio stations across the country every week. He is a recipient of the Mt. Hermon Christian Writers Conference “Christian Writer of the Year” award. Ken and his wife Randee have three sons and six grandchildren.

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