Christian Medical & Dental Associations® Membership FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:

STATEMENT OF FAITH While each of us holds fast to additional beliefs important to our relationship with God, the following statement outlines the tenets that provide a foundation for our fellowship and participation in the Christian Medical & Dental Associations. I believe:

  • In the divine inspiration and final authority of the Bible as the Word of God;
  • In the eternal God revealed in Holy Scripture as Father, Son and Holy Spirit;
  • In the unique Deity of Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, whose death and resurrection provide by grace through faith the only means of my salvation;
  • In the transforming presence and power of the Holy Spirit.

All Christian healthcare professionals and students pursuing a career in healthcare are welcome to join CMDA, including physicians, dentists, optometrists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, physical therapists and other rehab professionals, healthcare administrators, PhDs in academic programs, etc. Associate members receive the same benefits as other members, with the exception of the right to vote or hold office.

We offer various levels of membership dues based on your individual status. We try to structure membership dues to accommodate all healthcare professionals who would like to be members. So we can mold and shape your membership to fit your needs. (See our Membership Dues page).

CMDA is constantly striving to improve the value of membership. One of our recent offerings is the new CMDA Learning Center dedicated to the memory of Dr. William Lawton ( Here, members may take free, online courses that can qualify for valuable continuing education. Historically, CMDA offered very few tangible benefits as part of membership and therefore the dues were able to be classified under certain IRS rules as charitable donations. This was because the tangible benefits did not meet certain thresholds compared with the overall dues amount. With our desire to offer more tangible benefits to our members like the Learning Center, the membership dues going forward will no longer qualify as charitable donation. This also means that membership dues can no longer be paid through Donor Advised Funds. The good news is that most healthcare professionals will be able to use the CMDA membership dues amount as a business expense which is often better than an itemized deduction, but please talk to a tax professional as we cannot offer tax advice.

Your dues will pay for one full year and you will receive an invoice on the anniversary of your membership each year going forward. For example, if you join in June 2018, you will be invoiced again in June 2019.

Being a member of CMDA has lots of great benefits, but the greatest benefit of all is helping to further His kingdom as we change hearts in healthcare. Learn more about membership benefits.

Whether you need to update your phone number or pay your dues online, it is easy to manage various aspects of your membership and your personal information. Go to

No, you are not required to be a member to attend a CMDA conference. However, our members receive a significant discount on the registration fees for most of our conferences.

No, membership is not required for participants on our short-term mission trips with Global Health Outreach and Medical Education International. However, we do encourage team members to join CMDA. Some teams offer opportunities for a diverse group of people, such as logistic assistants, translators, worship leaders, etc., who play a crucial role in short-term teams. Those not in healthcare specialties can join CMDA under the "Friends and Spouses" category.

Contacting us is simple. We are here to serve you and answer any questions you may have. We’re also available to help guide and direct you to our various ministries and resources. You may reach us at 888-230-2637 and ask to speak to someone in the Membership Services Department, or you can email us at

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