Available Mission Scholarships

"...lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest."

Select one of the items below to discover more about CMDA Scholarships and Grant Opportunities

Scroll to the bottom of the page to view scholarships in table format to determine eligibility.

Westra Short-Term Mission Scholarship Information

Scholarship | Westra Short Term Missions

The James S. Westra Memorial Fund was established in 1981. It provides scholarships for healthcare students, trainees, and young professionals to serve in healthcare missions.
James P. Owen Mission Scholarship Information

Scholarship | James P. Owen Mission

James P. Owen had a keen interest in missionary medicine. He died in 1981 while a senior medical student at Southwestern Medical School. The James P. Owen Memorial Endowment Fund was established by his wife in loving memory of her husband.

Scholarship | Johnson Short-Term Mission

Encouraging MD/DO residents and fellows to serve the underserved cross-culturally and in doing so to seek the Lord's will for their lifetime involvement in medical missions.
Tami Fisk Mission Travel Grant Information

Scholarship | Tami Fisk Mission Travel Grant

Grants for travel expenses of medically-trained individuals exploring and/or beginning medical service in East Asia with preference to those working with MSI Professional Services or OMF International.
Naomi Kim Medical Missions Scholarship Information

Scholarship | Naomi Kim Medical Missions

Assisting selected healthcare students in participating in their first Global Health Outreach short-term medical missions experience, enabling them to become familiar with the cultural, social, spiritual, medical and dental problems in developing countries while allowing them to serve the underserved.
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Scholarship | FCPA Mission Matching Grant

The Fellowship of Christian Physician Assistants seeks to encourage the sending forth of laborers Matthew 9:37-38 into the fields which are white with harvest. This fund was established to offer financial and prayer support to FCPA members who are called by the Lord to medical mission work around His world.

Scholarship | WPDC Mission Trips with GHO

In partnership with Global Health Outreach, WPDC women are invited to go on mission trips which offer participants an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of refugees, orphans and human trafficking victims around the world.
Dermatology/Nursing Medical Missions Scholarship Information

Scholarship | GHO Dermatology/Nursing Medical Missions

Assisting selected healthcare students in participating in their first Global Health Outreach short-term medical missions experience, enabling them to become familiar with the cultural, social, spiritual, medical and dental problems in developing countries while allowing them to serve the underserved.

Dietz Scholarship

Margaret J. Dietz Scholarship – Provides financial assistance to support the Christian and professional leadership development of physicians and dentists in low and low-middle income countries and regions of the world.
MEI Featured

Schindler Scholarship

Dr. Robert and Marian Schindler Scholarship - Provides $1200 to help fund senior medical students, residents and/or fellows to teach on a short term mission trip with CMDA’s Medical Education International mission arm.

Scholarship | Minority Short Term Mission Scholarship

This scholarship seeks to encourage and enable non-white students and trainees to participate in mission rotations outside the United States.

Scholarship | Domestic Short Term Mission Scholarship

This scholarship seeks to encourage and enable students and residents to participate in mission rotations here in the United States, working with marginalized, underserved, and vulnerable populations in a Christian healthcare setting.

Scholarship | Dale Willis Memorial GHO Scholarship

To assist selected dentists in participating in their first Global Health Outreach short-term medical missions experience, enabling them to become familiar with the cultural, social, spiritual, medical and dental problems in developing countries while allowing them to serve the underserved.

Scholarship | Good Samaritan Scholarship

To introduce diverse health care students to Christian medical missions allowing them to not only become familiar with the cultural, social, spiritual, medical and dental problems in developing countries, but also to obtain the skills to participate, in training and mentoring the next generation of missionaries in the name of Jesus.

Other Scholarships and Grant Opportunities

Is Dentistry Becoming Dull? January 28, 2019

Scholarship | Baptist Medical Dental Fellowship

Providing assistance to students who are going on mission both domestically and internationally to serve the healthcare needs of unserved or underserved people of the world with the intent to share the love of Christ.
Project Medsend Grant Scholarship

Scholarship | Project Medsend Grant

MedSend awards grants to repay student loans owed by healthcare professionals while they serve as healthcare missionaries in medically underserved areas of the world. Three times each year, the MedSend board reviews completed applications for healthcare professionals headed for career missionary service.
Project Hope Northwest Mission Trip | Grant Scholarship Part of projecthopenorthwest.org

Scholarship | Project Hope Northwest Trip Grant

This fund is for the support of individuals who are exploring a commitment to the medical mission field or those already medical missionaries. Typical grantees include premedical or predental students who have made a commitment to the healing professions, medical or dental students who have a committed Christian faith or physicians in residency who are exploring the possibility of a short term or long term commitment to mission work.

Scholarship | Southwestern Medical Clinic Foundation Medical Students & Resident Program

Do you have a passion for medicine and a calling to help those in need? Southwestern Medical Clinic Foundation offers scholarships to qualified medical students and residents who have a strong interest in gaining valuable clinical experience while serving on an international or domestic Christian medical mission trip.

Scholarship | MAP International Health Fellowship

MAP provides travel scholarships for up to $3,000 to healthcare students from any discipline who are planning to participate a in global health missions experience. Preference is given to those doing a trip or rotation that is at least 4 weeks in duration. For questions, please refer to the website or contact ballison@map.org.

Eligibility for Scholarships


Please download your W-9 form here:

Complete the form, saving it to your computer. Then email Amber Clark at amber.clark@cmda.org with a copy to Misty Carter at misty.carter@cmda.org and attach your completed W-9.